Privacy Policy

General information

Data protection is very important to us. Your data is owned by you only!

App permissions

To display workout routes on the map as well as displaying the stats about the workouts, Workout Map needs access to your health data.
The app will ask at first launch for these permissions and explain why it is needed.
You can change permissions anytime in the iOS Settings app.

Data collection

Workout Map stores user settings only on the local device of the user. No user or usage information, saved settings or statistics will be transmitted to the developer.
The analysed workout data is stored on a local database on the user device for faster access. This database is shared with the app Tiles Explorer, if the app is installed. The database is also synced with the users private iCloud account. If you do not wish to sync the database with iCloud, you can deactivate the iCloud access for Workout Map in your settings app. iCloud services has its own privacy policy you need to accept when using the service.

The websites for Impressum, this privacy policy as well as about/help websites do not use "cookies", no "Google Adwords" or similar tracking technologies. No data will be passed on to third parties, because no data is collected. Please contact the in Impressum named contac person if you have any questions.

Server logfiles

We, or better our hosting provider has a legitimate interest regarding to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation) about all accesses to the server on which our services are hosted (so called server logfiles). These access information contain name of the accessed website, accessed file, date and time of the access, transmitted data size, status code, browser type and version, operating system of the user, referrer url (the last visited website), IP address and the providder.
Because of legal reasons, logfile information will be saved for a maximum of 7 days and then be deleted if there is no legal action which claim a longer existense of these files.

iTunes Connect App Analytics

iTunes Connect App Analytics is used due to statistical reasons and app improvement. Only user who use iOS 8 or tvOS 9 (or newer) and who want to share these informations will be recognized.
Please visit for further information.

Usage of published contact information

You are not allowed to send any advertisement or information material to the contact channels listed in the Impressum unless requested by the developer.